Monday 5 November 2012

I just tried to go for a run and it did not end well. Things got pretty ugly. I only lasted 10 minutes. So I flicked through my records and I have not worked out consistently for three weeks. 
This is not good.
I have also been eating things here and there that I should not be.
This is not good.
My weight has crept up a bit.
This is not good.
So Lynda, time to get your shit together before things get out of control.
Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day, which means a public holiday here. Us Aussies love our horse racing so we are having friends over for a BBQ lunch and then we will watch the race (and I will win lots of money). I am going to be drinking wine so things may end up looking like this:
So my plan of action is to get up early and attempt another run and a gym session. I will then enjoy the rest of the day and enjoy a glass of wine (or a bottle or two)
But then Wednesday morning, IT”S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG.
Week 6 of C25K…COME AT ME BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

On Sunday after I hit the 20 kilos (44 pounds) mark, I celebrated by:
  • Drinking wine
  • Eating a cheat meal (Ok maybe 2 cheat meals)
  • Eating potato chips.
I know you are not meant to reward yourself with food but I wanted a treat so I had one (well, a few). I still want wine and potato chips to be in my life, just not to the extent they were before. 
But the party is over now and good nutrition and fitness activities will resume from today.
I am a third of the way to my goal. I am really looking forward to losing the next 20. Not just the end result, but the working out, the eating well and feeling awesome and in control.

Weighed in yesterday at 104.1. So I have lost exactly 20 kilos now. Finally!
It took so long, but I am so happy! I am a third of the way there.
Still so long to go but feeling confident that I can do it. I have set myself up well. My meals are getting healthier all the time, I have the gym set up and I am really enjoying running.
On top of that, the weather has been so awesome and should only get better from here, so I will be doing a bit of swimming too.
I got back on the trampoline yesterday. This time during daylight hours. It was awesome. I had so much fun. Avah is so excited that I get on there with her. (It is all fun and games until someone  accidentally gets head butted) 

Great Expectations
July 2012
David was going great on his journey. He was running a few times a week, working out in the gym consistently and eating well. He was looking and feeling good (I know this because I felt him, and he felt good. ;o)
He was loving his progress so much that he thought if he did more he would look and feel even better.
One night, after an awesome workout when he was feeling particularly high from endorphins (or maybe crack, I’m not sure) he sat himself down and drew up this monster schedule for his gym workouts. He wanted to work out every night for 1-2 hours.
I told him he was crazy. He works long hours and has to get up very early, so his day would be too full. But he was determined.
So he created this big schedule and then…..
He did nothing.
On the first night he could not workout because, for some reason, by the time he was getting around to it it was too late. The next night, the same thing happened.
So, he gave up because felt like he had failed. (I have done this a million times before too)
Did he fail? No, of course not. He had already come so far. But the expecations and pressure he put on himself were unrealistic. And while it would have been great to do it, to stick to his plan, life got in the way and it was just not going to be possible to do it all the time.
October 2012
Now it is a few months later. He is eating shit and not working out. He thinks working out and eating well is too hard. He can’t see that what he had been doing before was fine, he was getting fitter and faster and seeing great results.
I think he is perfect how he is. In my eyes, he is a big fucking hunk.  But I know how happy he is when he is working out and feeling fit, just like I am at the moment.
So I want him to get back into it.
BUT - I find it hard enough to motivate myself, I don’t know how I am going to motivate him as well, but I want to. 
I am thinking he needs a goal to look forward to.
He has always wanted to do a run, like a 5 or 10k so I am thinking of signing him up for some kind of race behind his back. Is this naughty? Maybe, but I think I am going to do it anyway. 

Adventure Workout: FAIL
Earlier this week, I read a post by shortmom that inspired me. She had a blast jumping on her son’s trampoline, and to me, it sounded like it was a great  (fun) workout.
So last night I put on my HRM and headed outside to jump on Avah’s tramp. 
Climbing on the farking thing was a workout in itself but I managed to get on without any injuries. So far, so good.
Once up there I kind of freaked out about how high up I was. Being so short, I am much used to seeing things at ground level, like an ant’s view of the world. And then I was terrified that the material was going to rip and I would fall through to the ground. And what if I started jumping around and bounced right off the fucking thing?
I convinced myself that this was the worst idea I had ever had and freaked out and just laid in the middle of it like a starfish.
To add to the terror, Avah climbed on and started bouncing and jumping all around me. She started yelling and laughing at me telling me to get up and then she said: “Oh you are heavy.” and I was like “WHAT????” and she goes “I didn’t say that. I said look at the moon!”.
I could not stop laughing and I had no idea how I was going to get off the thing, so I just maintained the starfish position until David came to rescue me.
I am debating whether to try again today. If I get some courage, I’ll have a crack at it.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Mum and Dad had to go to a meeting today and, because the teachers are on strike here today, they had to leave the kids with me. So I had five out of seven of their kids here as well as Avah. 
Six kids.
And me.
I did not do my run today. Maybe tonight. That is if I have not opened and demolished a bottle of wine or two by then. These kids are driving me nuts. I don’t know how my parents do it.

Monday 22 October 2012

Spent last night cooking up some healthy shit. Veggie patties, fruit salad and chicken, veggies and brown rice. So I am all set for the next few days.
Here was tonight’s deliciousness:
My home gym, which is called The Cahill’s Sexy Fitness Centre, is getting quite a few members. There are six of us who use it now. Membership is free but you must be really, really, really ridiculously good looking to join up.
Am off now to pump some…I am just going to dance and bust some moves while the others workout. I already worked out today, don’t want get obsessive or anything.