The last three days have been out of control. OUT OF CONTROL.
Here is the low-down of my ho-down:
Friday morning: Worked out and felt fantastic. In control.
Friday afternoon: Had Liz’s funeral. Liz and I always had a few wines together at family gatherings. In her honour, I thought I would have a wine. That turned into four.
Friday night: Slightly sloshed and at the post-wake wake, we all order pizza. At 9pm my sister arrives from Adelaide for the weekend and we ORDER MORE PIZZA. I did not have too much though, so apart from the wine, I am still feelng in control.
Saturday morning: Hungover, so I skip workout. I have not organized anything for lunch so we get hot chips for lunch. Officially OUT OF CONTROL.
Saturday night: We are at my parents place and everyone is coming over so we decide to have a few drinks. Then we eat cake and pavlova.
Sunday morning: We head off to another family gathering armed with afternoon tea. Cakes, donuts, potato chips, oh and KFC for lunch. WHAT THE FUCK!
Sunday night: Feeling full and disgusting. Have stomach pains and indigestion. What have I done?
Monday morning: Weigh self and want to cry. Fill out MyFitnessPal to work out how many calories I have actually consumed.
Monday night: Have accepted that I have fucked up and am now back on track. So mad with myself for ruining all of my hard work from the past few weeks. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.