Friday, 11 May 2012

What I want right now

I would really like one of these right now

But it has been a hectic day, so this would probably happen

And then I would be all like drunk and stuff and put
a headband around my head and smear chocolate
all over my mouth and teeth.
Coz that's how I roll when I drink.


  1. What I want right now is more updates!!!!! I really like your blog so far, and it's making me sad that you haven't posted in so long!!! Come back, little rippa, come baccckkkK!!!!!

  2. Well thank you so much! I could not find (I am a bit technically-challenged with this stuff) other people to follow so I moved my blog to a different address. I have been thinking I would keep both of them going with the same content and after your kind words I might just do that!

    I will update it over the next few days for you!

    You made my day you amazing anonymous person.
