Tuesday, 20 March 2012

11 Random Facts About Me

Sorry for not smiling. Am home alone and feel stupid
1. I love 80s music and stationery (especially pens and notepads)

2. If you broke into my house (or even just visited), you would think I was a personal trainer or some sort of fitness fanatic. I have fitness books and equipment EVERYWHERE!

3. In past attempts to lose weight, I seem to have trouble giving up potato chips and red wine (or alcohol in general). This time, so far, I am not missing them at all.

4. I love, love, love drinking water.

5. I have always liked men who are really tall and married a man who is 182 cm. (I am 131 cm)

6. The only shows I watch on t.v. are reality programs.

7. I often have moments of inspiration late at night and have had many all-nighters planning and researching an idea I have had.

8. I grew up in suburban Melbourne, have lived in an apartment in the city, and now live in country Victoria (about an hour out of Melbourne)

9. I have suffered from severe anxiety in the past (a few years ago) but am better now.

10. I run my own business from home.

11. I am a pretty happy person and don't really have any sob stories about being fat. But I really need to lose weight to get healthy. I can't put it off anymore.

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