Monday, 30 April 2012

Workin' out

 A late dinner with Davo after our workout.
Apologies for the dark pic but the flash made him
look weird and hairy and he was not going to let me
post the pic.
I worked out. Yay! And it was a proper work out in our gym (in the garage).

I used my elliptical trainer and man, did that get my heart rate pumping.

David and Avah joined me and Avah talked constantly the whole time. Cute, but I kept losing track of my reps lol. (that makes me sound like some kind of fitness freak)

Here is what I did:


5 mins on elliptical
10 mins on treadmill
5 mins on elliptical


3 sets 15 reps of 3 different lifts


15 lunges x 3
15 squats x 3
100 punches of speedbag thing x 3
30 ski jumping kind of move that I saw on the biggest loser workout DVD

We worked out for about 50 minutes and I burnt 224 calories (it was more but my heart rate monitor went berserk when we first started and was not showing the right heart rate for a while)

David burnt 600 + but he did lots of running.

Feels good.

What Thin People Don't Understand

On Saturday night David and I went to a 21st birthday. His cousin Jack's birthday. Before we left I got myself into a bit of a state because I did not want to go. This has happened a bit over the past few years.

When I try to explain to David I don't want to go somewhere because of my weight he tells me I am being stupid. And believe me, when I feel like this I feel stupid. I get so angry with myself that I have let myself get into this state and how I let my weight control my life and my feelings. I think "why haven't you done something about this?"

Here is how my weight controlled Saturday night.

I worried about what I would wear. Nothing in my wardrobe fits and the things that do fit I look terrible in.

I worried that we would get a car park close to the venue because I cannot walk very far carrying all of this weight.

I worried if there would be stairs there and would I get up them ok, and what if people were behind me and what if I was really puffed when I got up to the top.

I worried if there would be chairs there and so, would I fit in them? And if not, how long would I last standing up?

I worried about David's family thinking what the hell he is doing with me when he could have someone much nicer.

I started worrying about all of this as soon as we got the invitation, but started really sweating about it on Friday and Saturday. I even cried!!

Anyway, it all turned out ok. I managed the stairs fine (did not get too puffed), I was able to stand longer than I thought I could and the walk to the car was fine (a few months ago it would not have been fine). I even thought I looked ok in what I was wearing because losing the bit of weight I have, made me a little bit more comfortable.

So all of this must be working. Slowly, but it is working.

Right on!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Good News, Bad News

The good news is, I got the new elliptical trainer and it is AWESOME.

The bad news is we got home too late for me to do a proper workout (just time to set it up and have a quick play on it. (Bathing Avah, putting her to bed, organising washing etc..etc..)

But tomorrow..WATCH OUT!! So nowI have a treadmill and the elliptical plus all the weights and shit in the gym to start working out like a demon. (I also have a treadmill here in my office...Why am I fat? Why? Why? I'll tell you why, coz I am a lazy biatch that is why.)

David, Avah and I are going to do 4 workouts a week together. One of them was meant to be tonight but that is not going to happen. On the other days I will either have a disco (Yes Sir, I like to boogie) or get on the treadmill in the office.

We started the new Fatty Boomba Challenge today and my starting weight was 111.6 Kilos (245.52 pounds) I think I weighed in last week at 111.3 so a gain of .3 but that was to be expected. Anyway, ready to kick arse this week, but I have to make sure I get organised. I need to plan my meals, order my shopping, workout when I am going to cook....will hop in my nice warm bed and do this all tonight.


Friday, 27 April 2012

My Weekend Plans

This week I have taken my foot off the brake just a bit. I let myself have some wine and potato chips earlier in the week and tonight I had BBQ chicken and hot chips. All of this was planned in preparation for the next challenge that begins on Sunday. ( I have six weeks of 100% effort in front of me, because who wants to win? ME! ME! ME!)

Apart from those couple of incidences, I have stayed in control of my eating. (All that cooking I did last Sunday paid off, because I always had something healthy here) (I really am awesome)

Tomorrow night we have a 21st birthday to go to and we are going to stay in a motel near the venue in Carlton. We wanted to book somewhere cheap-ish and we found some apartments that are across from a cemetery. Things could get frikkin' spooky. In fact, I am already a bit scared.

On Sunday, we are taking a trip down to Patterson Lakes to pick up my new elliptical machine. Wohoo! After much deliberating, I decided to go ahead and get it. In the shops they are worth $1800 but I found one on ebay (the exact same model) that is in excellent condition for half the price. What a bargain hunter I am!

David owes me a birthday present so I not-so-subtly suggested he buy this for me.

Then on Sunday night I will be doing a workout on that and my treadmill. During the first challenge I did not do much exercise. I just got used to moving around a lot more and a bit of walking here and there. But for this next challenge, I am going to really get into improving my fitness. And I am kind of excited about it. (What the?)

We are going on a cruise to Fiji in six weeks so I want to be able to do lots of swimming and walking and fun stuff. This will all be easier if I am fitter and thinner. (I got my passport photos taken today and they are hideous).

Will be doing my weigh-in for the challenge on Sunday morning. See you then!

I am thinking of getting this...

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Results of Challenge

I came fourth in the Fatty Boomba Challenge. Pretty excited about how well we all did. My sexy hubby came first. I will win the next one though. Oh yes, I will.

David 7.48%
Renee 5.37%
Shayne 5.32%
Lynda 5.13%
Annette 3.64%
Ashlea 3.10%
Leigh 2.58%
Pauline 1.50%
Lisa 1.10%
James -1.11%

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Biggest Loser

So The Biggest Loser Australia is finishing next week.

This makes me quite sad because I get quite motivated watching the show. Not just because of the contestants losing weight but also because of The Commando. He is fecking hot. I don't like it when he wears his glasses, he has sexy eyes so he looks much better without them.

And how was that epsiode when he trained with the contestants and he got in the pool wearing his logged and when he got out he did push ups and because his pants were wet you could see the shape of his arse? Honk if you are horny. Honk! Honk!

Monday Weigh-in

OK Soooooo My weight was 111.3 kilos (244 pounds). That means my total lost for the six week challenge was 5.8 kilos (12.8 pounds) which I think is pretty awesome considering the crazy Easter/Birthday week a couple of weeks ago.

Still waiting for everyone else to put their weights in to see where I ranked.

As we are not starting the next challenge until the weekend, I had a bit of a indulgence tonight. Potato chips. MMMmmmm, I only had a few and then asked David hide the rest and I will have them late in the week.

Other than that my eating was awesome today. Had one of my brown rice, chicken and vegetable meals for tea and it was soooo yummy.

Still have not worked out this week though. How am I going to motivate myself to do it. Everyday? Forever? How? How??????????????

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Blogging in Bed

Ooh I have finally figured out how to upload pictures from my IPad to the blog which means I can blog from bed. Yay.

This is great news for a couple of reasons:

~ I am going to make this blog public this week and would like to post more regularly
~ I am very lazy and love doing computer type things from my bed surrounded by all of my lovely pillows
~ That is it really

The picture I was going to post was of David but he made me delete it because he does not think he looked sexy enough.

Tomorrow is the final weigh-in for the six week Fatty Boomba Challenge. I know, I know, it has gone so fast. Don't be sad because we loved this one so much we are starting another one next week.

I am excited because I have been very good this week. Well food wise I have. Not so much with the getting off the fat ass and working out though. I know I am not going to win but I am still really happy that we are all still motivated and on track (after going right off track over Easter holidays)

Will report results tomorrow.

Right on.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Back on the Horse

Right. Firstly let me make something clear, there is no horse. If there was I doubt I could ever get my fat arse up on it and even if I did, the horse would promptly collapse.

The horse I am referring to is actually a track. A weight loss track. A health and fitness track. And I am back on it.

So Easter holidays down the beach plus my sister coming over from Adelaide plus my birthday festivities equals going right off fecking track for a week and a half. I drank, ate takeaway, ate chocolate and sat on my arse for 10 days.

I was very, very scared that I was not going to get back on track. But even though I was scared, I kept eating shit. And the crazy thing is, I don't even really like chocolate but I ate it like a woman possessed.

However, I am happy to report that from Monday I have been back on track and my weight is going down. I spent sunday night reading through my progress from February on this blog and my charts I have created and got excited about getting back into it.

That is one of the reasons I started this blog so that I can use it as a motivational tool. (Because we all know motivation comes and goes, right Commuters?) ( I know we are not commuters, it is a line from The Young Ones) (I say it often)

So while is all well again, I clearly need to set up some strategies for occasions like this. Here is where I think I went wrong;

  • I did not plan my meals, so we ended up grabbing takeaway often.
  • I did not keep my blog up to date - therefore was not accountable for my actions.
  • Eating something bad every now and then is fine, but the old me crept back and I kept saying to myself "Oh well I have blown it now I may as well start fresh Monday.." and then proceeded to eat everything in sight.
My eating is now under control and from tomorrow I will be back on the treadmill.

So it is onwards and upwards from here! Right Commuters?

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Monday, 16 April 2012

Monday, 9 April 2012


On holidays with the family for Easter and have been eating like a woman possessed.

Weight has sky-rocketed. (114.5 kilos a gain of 1.3 kilos)

Not good. Feeling out of control. Scared that I wont get back on track.

Must get back on track. Must get rid of all the bad food we have here and must do some sort of exercise.

Seriously do not like this feeling.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Fat and Flat

I am feeling flat today. Forced myself to get on the treadmill and only did 3 or 4 minutes and then got off. Now I am disappointed with myself. 

And my weight is not moving. 

And I was hungry all day.


I hope I wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated like one of those girls on a tampon ad.

The Hill

Here is me waddling down the hill. This is my driveway so i should be doing this everyday. Up and down, up and down.

But I don't, which has resulted in the chunkiness of my arse and the hugeness of my stomach.

I thought I would not make it up, but it was easier going up than down because I was sure i was going to slip on a rock.

I felt like Rocky when I go to the top. So I will be trying to do this more often.

No, I will be doing this more often.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Children Everywhere

It is school holidays and I have 8 kids here ranging in ages from 3 years to 15 years old. It has been cool because they all love working out with me. Over the weekend we did some hill runs, worked out in the gym (yes, we have a gym set up in our garage)and had a few discos. And you know I love me a good disco.

I did almost everything on my schedule but I did not do the 600 calorie workout, I only made it to 263.

The Fatty Boomba Challenge is going great guns with everyone still motivated and losing weight. I weighed in this morning at 113.2 kilos (249 pounds)  So I have lost 10.9 kilos since the 3rd of February. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

I am feeling lighter, fitter and stronger. Yesterday we ran up my driveway which is long and steep and it felt awesome. I improved on my 100 metre time taking it down from 1 minute 30 something to 1 minute 24 and yesterday I ran faster than I have run in a long time. I am moving around more and not getting puffed. I feel fantastic and I am so excited about pushing myself further and further to see what I can accomplish. Who am I????

And, and, and...I walked past the mirror in my bedroom today, and I think my stomach is looking smaller. Joy! Joy! Joy!