Friday, 27 April 2012

My Weekend Plans

This week I have taken my foot off the brake just a bit. I let myself have some wine and potato chips earlier in the week and tonight I had BBQ chicken and hot chips. All of this was planned in preparation for the next challenge that begins on Sunday. ( I have six weeks of 100% effort in front of me, because who wants to win? ME! ME! ME!)

Apart from those couple of incidences, I have stayed in control of my eating. (All that cooking I did last Sunday paid off, because I always had something healthy here) (I really am awesome)

Tomorrow night we have a 21st birthday to go to and we are going to stay in a motel near the venue in Carlton. We wanted to book somewhere cheap-ish and we found some apartments that are across from a cemetery. Things could get frikkin' spooky. In fact, I am already a bit scared.

On Sunday, we are taking a trip down to Patterson Lakes to pick up my new elliptical machine. Wohoo! After much deliberating, I decided to go ahead and get it. In the shops they are worth $1800 but I found one on ebay (the exact same model) that is in excellent condition for half the price. What a bargain hunter I am!

David owes me a birthday present so I not-so-subtly suggested he buy this for me.

Then on Sunday night I will be doing a workout on that and my treadmill. During the first challenge I did not do much exercise. I just got used to moving around a lot more and a bit of walking here and there. But for this next challenge, I am going to really get into improving my fitness. And I am kind of excited about it. (What the?)

We are going on a cruise to Fiji in six weeks so I want to be able to do lots of swimming and walking and fun stuff. This will all be easier if I am fitter and thinner. (I got my passport photos taken today and they are hideous).

Will be doing my weigh-in for the challenge on Sunday morning. See you then!

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