Weighed in yesterday at 108.4 kilos (238.48 pounds). A loss of .8 kilos (1.76 pounds). pretty happy with that.
I can’t wait to get under 100 kilos. I wish it would farking hurry up though
And now for some good news and bad news.
I will start with the bad news, which isn’t really bad, but it is not really good either.
I’ll just get to the freakin’ point, shall I?
Yesterday I had a planned cheat day. I wanted to have one day off from eating healthy. Just one day.
I had Red Rooster for lunch (which is a BBQ chicken chain of stores in here in Australia) and then last night I had some wine and potato chips. I have not added up the calories yet but I know it is going to be a LOT. (Which is going to be bad news for next weigh day)
BUT……and this is where things get really exciting…. this leads me to my good news.
At the chicken place I got crumbed chicken in bread. I used to LOVE this. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
Well, the chicken did not even look or taste like real chicken. it was more like a bit of rubber crumbed and deep fried. eeewww
And the potato chips last night did not really do anything for me either. And man, I used to eat me some of them chips.
And why is this good news????
Because I had this revelation today, that I don’t need to have cheat days anymore. I love the food I am eating. It is delicious and healthy. I don’t crave the food I used to eat anymore and after yesterday, I probably won’t have it again.
This means that I have created a sustainable plan for me that I will be able to follow forever! I don’t feel like I am on a diet anymore because I am really enjoying all the meals I make and I feel so excited knowing that they are good for me too.
See how I was sneaky there and did not mention the wine? The wine was awesome so I am sure I will be having that again. But I don’t miss it like I used to, so every now and then is fine. Just fine.
And now, I go to bed knowing all is right with the world. (Not really because I have not worked out for 2 days)
Have a fantastic week everyone!