Thursday, 12 July 2012

The farkin' hill

So lazy bum Renee did not get up in time for gym this morning so I did a walk outside instead. My drive way is long and hilly. I timed myself walking down to my front gate and back and it took me 14 minutes. I want to do this much faster (eventually running it) and do it 3 or 4 times. It is frikkin’ steep so it is a good workout.

  Hill not shown in this pic. This was just the view on my walk.
These are the pics David and I sumbitted for the Ben Does Life challenge:
Sexy, right? Right!
I do not know why he took his shirt off, but he insisted on getting half naked.
Ate very well today - brown rice and veggies for lunch and a roast at Mum and Dad’s for tea with lots of veggies. Need to drink more water though.
Feeling good. Right on!

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