Saturday, 28 July 2012

My Saturday

Feeling pretty awesome tonight. 
Had a very productive day and a great day weight-loss wise so I am pu-retty excited about weigh-in tomorrow.
I am not expecting anything major due to the minor “indiscretion” I had earlier in the week (when I gave myself a cheat day and then was sick for two full days after it.) 
I spent the morning cleaning the house and it is looking rather fuckingfantastic if I do say so myself. Back in February I could hardly stand up long enough to do the dishes. I had to do things in bits and pieces. BUT NOW, now I am cleaning this place like a woman possessed.
Being lighter and fitter is making everything so much easier. If I am feeling this good after losing 15 kilos (33 pounds) imagine how unstoppable I will be at goal weight.
Fark Yeah.
The afternoon was spent exercising like a demon in the gym (felt soo good) and then eating delicious stuff like this:
Then we went around to my Mum and Dad’s for dinner. They had ice-cream, the sinners, but I was strong. (And also the thought of getting sick like I did last week terrifies me)
And to top off my wonderful day, my football team (North Melbourne Kangaroos) won.
So, yahoo!

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